The Genome Technology Core is open and accepting samples for most services. Samples may be submitted as usual through the online portal. Internal customers may leave samples in the drop box in the -80C freezer in the hallway (Rm 340) outside room 325. External customers should mail samples or contact GTC staff to schedule a sample exchange at the building entrance.

The Real-time PCR machines and Covaris system are in room 360. Please reserve 2 hour blocks for these instruments on our resource scheduling calendar. The Nanodrop and Qubit systems are also in room 360 and are available for walk-up use.
WIGTC BioAnalyzer Submission Form


1. Please submit in a 1.5 ml tube (NOT Strip tubes)
2. Samples should be quantified prior to submission, by either spec or Qubit.
3. Sample concentration should be per assay requirements (Specified in the form).

Internal Whitehead Email registered automatically
Available options will appear after a registered email provided above
New non-WI/External labs, Please ask your lab admin to register in WISCe
Available Options Will Appear After "Lab To Bill" Selection
Internal's - Please email Sumeet Gupta (
External's - Please ask your lab admin to register in WISCe
Sample Information
Sequencing/Sample Type?  
Which organism is the source of samples?  
Do NOT discard remaining sample? (Samples Archived for 2 weeks, if you check off the checkbox)  
Method of Sample Concentration Measurement
Method of Isolation
What buffer the sample is in
select bioanalyzer chip (LIST INCLUDES CHIPS KEPT IN STOCK AT GTC)

Please contact us at if the instock Chips do not fit your requirements.
 Sample Name Conc. (ng/ul) (Numeric Only - If Unknown, specify educated estimate or 0. Educated estimate preferred.)
FORM VALIDATION: Fill in the text box below with the correct answer from the following options - "greater", "less" or "equal"
-997 is compared to -802