The Genome Technology Core is open and accepting samples for most services. Samples may be submitted as usual through the online portal. Internal customers may leave samples in the drop box in the -80C freezer in the hallway (Rm 340) outside room 325. External customers should mail samples or contact GTC staff to schedule a sample exchange at the building entrance.
The Real-time PCR machines and Covaris system have been moved to room 360. Please reserve 2 hour blocks for these instruments on our resource scheduling calendar. The Nanodrop and Qubit systems are also in room 360 and are available for walk-up use as long as nobody else is in the room. Only one person in room 360 at a time please.
WIGTC External Online Portal |
Submission forms are enabled to accept submissions using whitehead email and already registered external emails |
New external labs and emails need to be registered in WISCe first.
Please follow instructions page (Link on the side bar - "WIKI: Submission Links") |