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Instrument Calendar
Instrument Calendar

QuantStudio 6 (QPCR/RTPCR) Scheduling System | Service Details

Whitehead Network Access Required, Please contact us if you do not have access to whitehead network

Step By Step Instructions

Step 1: Please review our Sign-Up Policy.

Step 2: New users - Register. Returning users go to step 2.

Step 3: Book a time slot using the Online QuantStudio 6 Booking Form. Once you select a instrument, date and block/time slot, the system would show you immediately if the block/time slot is available or not.

Step 4: LOG REAGENT USAGE: Mandatory for everyone. If you did not use any GTC reagents, enter 0. If you used any reagents or plates provided by the core, please log them using the edit/delete interface (Username and password required).

DELETING TIME SLOTS: If you do not want to use the time slot, delete it using the edit/delete interface (Username and password required). You will only be able to delete time slots registered under your name.

SWAPPING TIME SLOTS: If you want to swap your time slot with someone else, you can view the Schedule for the QuantStudio 6.

Agilent Scanner Scheduling Calendar

Internal WI people can book the scanner using gmail accounts. External users, please contact us.

The calendar can be viewed using the following link: