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We typically provide the following files/formats as part of a typical data package for HiSeq as well as Genome Analyzer Sequencing Data.  
We typically provide the following files/formats as part of a typical data package for HiSeq Sequencing Data. Base calls were performed by the instrument control software and further processed using the Offline Base Caller (Illumina) v. 1.9.4. Quality control/assessment was performed using fastqc, fastqscreen and custom scripts.
<b>WE SPIKE (less than 3%) PHIX IN EVERY LANE. PhIX data along with any reads that could not be demultiplexed are moved in unknown-s_<lane>_<read>_sequence.txt file.</b>
<b>WE SPIKE (less than 3%) PHIX IN EVERY LANE. PhIX data along with any reads that could not be demultiplexed are moved in unknown-s_<lane>_<read>_sequence.txt file.</b>

Latest revision as of 11:03, 4 November 2019

We typically provide the following files/formats as part of a typical data package for HiSeq Sequencing Data. Base calls were performed by the instrument control software and further processed using the Offline Base Caller (Illumina) v. 1.9.4. Quality control/assessment was performed using fastqc, fastqscreen and custom scripts.

WE SPIKE (less than 3%) PHIX IN EVERY LANE. PhIX data along with any reads that could not be demultiplexed are moved in unknown-s_<lane>_<read>_sequence.txt file.

The directory structure for dataset handed over:


FASTQ Files (Quality Score Files)

This file format is used frequently at the Sanger Institute to bundle a sequence and its quality data. You will find these files in the "QualityScore" folder of the dataset.

A Illumina FASTQ file normally uses four lines per sequence:

Line 1 - begins with a '@' character and is followed by a sequence identifier
Line 2 - the sequence
Line 3 - begins with a '+' character and is optionally followed by the same sequence identifier
Line 4 - the quality values for each base in the sequence in Line 2

An Example:

The sequence identifier in the above example is "WICMT-SOLEXA_0043:7:1:1500:1199#0/1;1". Please note that the last 2 characters i.e. ";1" may only be found in datasets sequenced by us because we do not remove the filtered reads but indicate them with a 1 (not filtered i.e. good) or 0 (filtered i.e. bad). Please refer to the FAQ's for information on filtering criteria and what it means.

WICMT-SOLEXAInstrument name
0043A unique random string for the whole run (pretty much meaningless)
7flowcell lane
1tile number within the flowcell lane
1500'x'-coordinate of the cluster within the tile
1199'y'-coordinate of the cluster within the tile
#0index number for a multiplexed sample (0 for no indexing)
/1the member of a pair, /1 or /2 (paired-end or mate-pair reads only)
;1Read was not filtered This bit of information is typically not present in FASTQ files created by Illumina pipeline

Converting *.tar.gz files to *gz files

We starting creating *.tar.gz files to save the full path (which included the run folder name) with each file. However, later on third party tools like FASTQC don't accept this format. Many of these tools still accept *.gz format. The following single line command can be used to convert *.tar.gz to *gz files:

tar -xOzf xyz.tar.gz | gzip -f > xyz.fq.gz

QC_Report Files

This file summarizes the quality scores (overall as well as per cycle), number of reads and how many were filtered, number of sequences with adaptors and at what position/cycle the adaptor starts as well as the base composition for the entire lane on a cycle by cycles bases for the filtered and unfiltered sets.

Please refer to the QC section for details.

FASTQC Reports

Each FASTQ file goes through our pipeline that generates FASTQC reports. These are handed over with the dataset.

Please refer to the FASTQC Website for details.


Each FASTQ file goes through our pipeline that generates FASTQ SCREEN reports. These will be handed over with the datasets starting 1st November 2017.

Please refer to the FASTQ SCREEN Website for details.


This excel has information about which sample/gtc id is present in which lane and what is the barcode assigned to it. A list of columns and description in the file is available below (in the order they are in the excel):

Column Name Description
Position Lane on the flowcell
SampleType Type of Sample - Generally the same as selected during sample submission
Organism Generally the same as selected during sample submission
GelPrepDate Ignore, this column is no longer tracked but has not been deleted from the file to keep format consistent
SampleName Generally the same as selected during sample submission
Barcode Barcode associated with the library
InsertSizeRange Size selection range
AverageFragmentSize Avg. Fragment Size based on smear analysis
ID GTC ID issued at submission
UserName The same as selected during sample submission
Group Lab name: The same as selected during sample submission
Adaptor Type of Adaptor used for prep
SeqPrimer Type of Primer used for sequencing i.e. standard or custom
SeqType Read Length
ReferenceGenome Generally the same as selected during sample submission
concbyNanoDrop(ng/ul)(orig.) Ignore, this column is no longer tracked but has not been deleted from the file to keep format consistent
concbyqPCR(nM)(DF) Concentration of the final library stock using Qubit
concbyBioA(nM)(DF) Concentration of the final library stock using BioA/FA
concbyQubit(nM)(DF) Concentration of the final library stock using Qpcr
ConcUsed Concentration used for loading the lane
NANODROP BASED DF Ignore, this column is no longer tracked but has not been deleted from the file to keep format consistent
DF Ignore, this column is no longer tracked but has not been deleted from the file to keep format consistent
ulindencktl Ignore, this column is no longer tracked but has not been deleted from the file to keep format consistent
ulloaded Ignore, this column is no longer tracked but has not been deleted from the file to keep format consistent
pMloaded Amount loaded
Equimolar? Generally the same as selected during sample submission
FlowCell Flow cell ID
Sequencer Sequencer name
QC Passed or Marginal or Failed QC
Total Reads Total reads for the sample
% Q30 Percent base above Q30
% Pass Filer Percent reads pass filter
% Adapter Percent adaptor
% Aligned Percent aligned
% Complexity Percent Complexity
NumberOfPeaks Number of peaks identified using MACS
%RiP Percent reads in peaks
Prep - Input NanoDrop Conc. Ignore, this column is no longer tracked but has not been deleted from the file to keep format consistent
Prep - Input QBIT Conc. Qubit Conc. In ng/ul
Prep - Conc. Used Sample Conc. Used - Qubit or Nanodrop
Prep - Input Amount Used Total amount of input/sample used for the prep (ng)
Prep Method Prep Method used
Prep - AO Input Adaptor Oligo dilution/Concentration used
Prep - PCR Cycles Number of PCR cycles for Prep
Prep QC Passed or Marginal or Failed Prep QC

Discontinued File Formats

Tag Count Files

These files are created only on request. They have 4 columns:

Column 1 - Sequence
Column 2 - Number of occurrences of the sequence in column 1 BEFORE filtering
Column 3 - Does the sequence have the 3' adaptor [1 = yes, 0 = No]
Column 4 - Number of occurrences of the sequence in column 1 AFTER filtering

Technical-Analysis Files

This file is a summary of the alignment results. Please refer to the QC section for more information about this file.

You will only receive this file if a genome alignment was requested.

ELAND Alignment Files

These files are created if alignments are requested. They can be found in the "Eland_Results_Extended" folder.

The current file naming convention is ss_<LANE>_eland_extended_<GENOME>_<SEEDLENGTH>-<READLENGTH>.txt.

Since the alignment program has been evolving, we have had different formats at different time points. Please refer to this page for the different formats handed out by GTC - http://jura.wi.mit.edu/genomecorewiki/index.php/AlignmentFormat

YLF (Young Lab Format) Files

These files are created on request only. The can be found in the "Eland_Results_Extended" folder along with the alignment results.