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From Genome Technology Core (GTC) wiki - Sequencing and Microarray
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[[Image:Banner.gif|center|Center for microarray technology]]
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| The [http://wi.mit.edu: Whitehead Institute's] Center for Microarray Technology is a fee-for-services facility for the analysis of gene expression, ChIP on chip, miRNA and other microarray-related applications using commerical arrays ([http://www.agilent.com: Agilent] and [http://www.affymetrix.com: Affymetrix]) as well as custom printed arrays ([http://www.operon.com: Operon] and other custom sets manufactured at the facility). We also collaborate with labs to develop new microarray applications.
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| valign="top" | [[Services]]
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{| style="border:1px solid purple; width:800px; height:100px; text-align: center" align="center"
| valign="top" | Services
{| style="text-align: left; width:100%"
* Expression Analysis
* ChIP on Chip/Location Analysis
* miRNA Analysis
Service Details:
* Array Manufacturing
* [[Sequencing|Sequencing and Library Prep]] 
* [[SingleCell|Single Cell Sequencing]]
* Agilent QC
* [[RT_PCR|Real-Time PCR]]
* [[Rnaextraction|RNA Extraction]]
* Bioanalyzer
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| valign="top" | [[Arrays]]
{| style="border:1px solid purple; width:400px; height:140px; text-align: center"
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| valign="top" | Hot Links
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* Human Expression Arrays
* [https://cores.wi.mit.edu/ External Lab Customer Registration]
* Mouse Expression Arrays
* [[Forms|Sample Submission Forms (All Services)]]
* Yeast Expression Arrays
* [[SubmissionGuide|Sequencing Sample Submission Guide]]
* miRNA Arrays
* [[Calendar|Resource Scheduling Systems for RT PCR and Covaris]]
* Custom Arrays
* [[faq|Frequently Asked Questions]]
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{| style="border:1px solid purple; width:400px; height:140px; text-align: center"
| valign="top" | [[Protocols]]
| valign="top" | Data Related Resources
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{| style="text-align: left; width:100%"  
* Expression Analysis
* [[SequencingQC|Sequencing QC]]
* ChIP on Chip/Location Analysis
* [[SequencingFormats|Sequencing Formats]]
* miRNA Analysis
* Analysis - [[Scripts|Scripts]], [[Data_Analysis_Resources|Other Resources]]
* Array Manufacturing
* [[General_Links_Resources|General Links]]
* [[NCBISubmission|NCBI Submission Guide]]
* Agilent QC
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{| style="border:1px solid purple; width:400px; height:120px; text-align: center"
| valign="top" | [[Personnel]]
| valign="top" | Contact Us
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{| style="text-align: center; width:100%"  
* Tom Volkert
455 Main Street, <br>
* Jennifer Love
Cambridge, MA - 02142 <br>
* Sumeet Gupta
Tel: 617-258-8803 <br>
* Melissa Sherrin
[[wibr-genome at wi dot mit dot edu]]
{| style="border:1px solid purple; width:400px; height:120px; text-align: center"
| valign="top" | Other General Information
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{| style="border:1px solid green; width:250px; height:150px; text-align: center"
* [[Personnel]] - [[Jennifer_Love|Jennifer Love]], [[Sumeet_Gupta|Sumeet Gupta]], Stephen Mraz III, Amanda Chilaka
| valign="top" | [[Alumni]]
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* Bruno Chazaro (Presently MD/PhD student at Stanford)
{| style="border:1px solid green; width:250px; height:150px; text-align: center"
| valign="top" | Contact Us
9 Cambridge Center <br>
Rm 325 <br>
Cambridge <br>
MA - 02142

Latest revision as of 16:38, 10 July 2024



Service Details:

Hot Links
Data Related Resources
Contact Us

455 Main Street,
Cambridge, MA - 02142
Tel: 617-258-8803
wibr-genome at wi dot mit dot edu

Other General Information